Gift Cards that ROCK!



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Gift cards are delivered by email same day

I Rock N Ride gift cards are available for $25, $79, $100, or $200. (USD). 

Gift cards are delivered by email same day

Our gift cards have no additional processing fees & never expire. We are a small business in USA, and back all of our items with a 1 year warranty & 100% satisfaction guarantee. We also offer a limited battery exchange program, if your device is older than 1 year. #ROCKRIDEREPEAT

I Rock N Ride® Handsfree, smartphone integrated Bluetooth® speaker for any saddle, comes in Aqua, Coral, Sable Brown & Black.

Attaches securely where you need it English or Western. Keep your hands, eyes & ears focused on your ride. (Not fumbling around for your phone.)

Activate timers, texts, reminders, calendar, music and phone. Don't need any of that? It's great for activating Siri or Google for an emergency call or text. 


Personalize your ride...add an Aztec, Zebra Floral, Daisy or Cheetah print Utility strap with your I Rock N Ride! (All units do come with a utility strap of the same color speaker already.)






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